Homelessness Is An Issue That Impacts Every Single One Of Us.

We all want clean streets and sidewalks. We want businesses to be free from vandalism and theft. We want to be able to take our families to the park without worrying about who or what we may encounter.

We Need Ideas And Action That Address Homelessness In Our Communities.

The causes of homelessness are many and complex, and every person experiencing homelessness is a unique human being with their own lived experience.

There Isn't A Simple Solution, But That Doesn't Mean Our Situation Is Hopeless.

Bakersfield Kern Regional Homeless Collaborative is an Independent 501(C)3 nonprofit organization that works to reduce the impacts of homelessness in Kern County.

We believe that through collaborative action and planning we can reduce the impacts of homelessness, expand access to permanent affordable housing and supportive services, and work towards a future where every person in Kern County has a permanent place to call home.

News & Updates


Casa Esperanza Childcare Coordinator Position


HMIS Meeting


Register for the April 11, 2025 CoC University

Working Towards A Future Where Everyone Has A Permanent Place To Call Home

Our Objectives

Bakersfield Kern Regional Homeless Collaborative is responsible for developing and maintaining a regional 10-year plan to end homelessness. Our plan contains 6 objectives that collaborative members believe incorporate the best, evidenced-based approaches to ending homelessness by helping people currently experiencing homelessness or at-risk of experiencing homelessness maintain permanent housing and access supportive services.

  1. Establish a Coordinated Entry, Assessment and Referral System to streamline and prioritize access to housing and services for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
  2. Prevent homelessness and repeated homelessness whenever possible.
  3. Improve the economic security, health and stability of homeless and at-risk people.
  4. Ensure that emergency shelter, transitional housing and interim housing beds are adequate to meet current and future demands.
  5. Increase the affordable housing inventory for homeless individuals and families by 10,470 new beds.
  6. Broaden and strengthen community support for ending homelessness.

Sign Up For Updates

We need your help to reduce the impacts of homelessness in Kern County. Sign-up to receive important updates and learn what you can do.